Thursday, September 25, 2014

Castle of Blackwood Moors: A solo-gamebook and/or group RPG adventure supplement!

Castle of Blackwood Moors: A gamebook/RPG adventure!

I find this Kickstarter project intriguing and promising due to its dual solo-gamebook and potential group-play supplemental nature...

As The Hero of your town, you have heard stories of the ruined castle your entire life. After defeating some local bandits, you feel your confidence soar and decide to try to tackle the mysteries hidden within the ruins!

The Castle of Blackwood Moors is a gamebook you can delve into, no matter your experience level with this type of entertainment. If you have never played this type of game before, you can jump right in. If you have done tabletop gaming before, you will feel right at home. In fact, if you have a favorite character that used 3D6 system for creation (Labyrinth Lord, Swords and Wizardry, etc.), you can use this book with that character!

There's some great stylized art on the KS page by Luigi Castellani and the whole project has this classic DnD, light-hearted 1983 'Dragon's Lair' video game, golden-age of gamebooks, 'The Bard's Tale' (the 2004 video game version) tongue-in-cheek feel crossed with Herbie Brennan's Grail Quest "Castle of Darkness" gamebook vibe. Which brings me to this project and the completely unbiased statement that 'We Can Never Have Enough Gamebooks!' True, the KS is rough 'round the edges at the moment, but that's where YOU, dear community member/RPG/gamebook fan can make a difference.

Sample Art 1

Sample Art 2

I have no horse in this race, other than being a backer and an unashamed devotee of the genre, and as such I'd ask, politely, (oh, dear, how did my sword become unsheathed?) that if you have a silver piece to spare, please, make a donation to this project or pledge for a PDF, if this gamebook concept appeals to you. Softcover and hardcover versions are also available for a mere cold coin, shipping by carrier pigeon or -turtle, additional. Or, casually work it into conversation on other forums, cough blogs, cough etc. if you're in a position to assist in this manner.

I should probably see a physician about that cough...

Goal: $2,000

Deadline: Wed, Oct 8 2014

View the latest stats for You cross the moor to the abandoned castle... on Kicktraq

PS: Yes, I know this isn't an actual sword. I had to trade that in for provisions, along with my horse, and my armor, and my shield... so yes, technically I'm standing before you in rags and failing my intimidation roll. HOWEVER, you have to admit that a stranger trying to intimidate you with a rather large smoked & spiced wild-boar sausage is, if you take a moment to ponder it, about a hundred times more sinister and upsetting than a mere sword! Whatever your excuse for NOT pledging is, clearly it's now invalid. Go on. Here's the link again, just in case you've forgotten:

Castle of Blackwood Moors: A gamebook/RPG adventure!

submitted by Roll2D6

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from Gamebooks - Read and Roll


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