Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Spells of Titan

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Spells of Titan


I've put together some more new Wizard spells. Unlike Dark Soul's excellent efforts, instead of being inspired by the gamebooks these are aimed more at filling what I see as capability gaps a Wizard would want to fill. Dragon Flame I already posted above as Dragon Fire, but I noticed there's already a Dragonfire spell in the AFF Warlock of Firetop Mountain adventure! So I've renamed it to avoid confusion.

Leap (1)
The Wizard is able to make a single leap of super-human proportions, up to 10m in a forward arc or up to 5m straight up! The caster lands with no more impact than from a normal jump but must still be wary of unstable or slippery surfaces.

Dancing Sword (2)
A sword materialises in mid-air at a location up to 10m away of the caster's choosing. By concentrating the Wizard can direct the blade to attack opponents with an attack strength based on their MAGIC characteristic and Magic - Wizardry special skill. The caster may do nothing else but move at half speed, and breaking concentration causes the sword to hover in place until reestablished. The weapon does normal damage for a sword but qualifies as magical. It vanishes after 1 turn or if the Wizard chooses to end the spell.

Dragon Flame (4)
This potent spell spews a roughly cone shaped blast of intense flame from the casters hands, 3m long and 2m wide at it's furthest extent. Anyone caught within the area of effect will take 1d6+1 points of STAMINA damage. Those affected may either test for LUCK or attempt a Dodge test to take half damage (round down). Especially flammable targets will find themselves ignited by this spell, as will flammable objects.

Noxious Cloud (4)
A billowing cloud of green tinted, noxious gas is conjured into existence up to 15m away. The noisome fumes cause eyes to stream and convulsive coughing. All creatures within the cloud must test against SKILL each round or be unable to do anything more until the next. Once a test is failed that creature is at -1 SKILL (not cumulative) until they recover, which is after six rounds of no longer being exposed to the vapours. Creatures affected will often attempt to run out of the cloud although not necessarily giving much consideration to in which direction! The cloud is 2.5m high and 5m in diameter if space allows, but otherwise will overflow into adjacent areas. It is heavier than air and will run down slopes and stairs.

Statistics: Posted by SkinnyOrc — Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:25 pm

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July 12, 2016 at 06:25AM

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