Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Stellar Adventures Kickstarter

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Stellar Adventures Kickstarter


SkinnyOrc wrote:
Expect they'll follow AFF there and have a range of normal equipment all within a narrow band of effectiveness and then special items, "alien tech" and experimental stuff maybe, that are beyond that but either very rare or limited in some way.

Somewhat off topic, but Numenera handles this in an interesting way. Most special items ("numenera") are Cyphers, jerry-rigged bits of barely understood technology that only work once before exploding or burning out. Player characters are meant to cycle through Cyphers; they can only carry a limited number at a time before they react with each other, and scavenging for more is what PCs do in Numenera. Plus, if they're massively over-powered, at least they only work once.

Some are Artifacts, which are good for multiple uses (usually) but may fail randomly. After using an Artifact, the player must make a "depletion roll" -- anything from a d6 to a d100, depending on the Artifact -- and if a 1 comes up, the Artifact is kaput. (A few with minor ongoing effects never deplete.) Artifacts are meant as rewards, but time-limited ones lest players get too comfortable.

And then there are Oddities, weird little things with no real purpose. Oddities are just atmosphere.

Identifying what a numenera is and what it does is a fairly easy task. Normal tech in Numenera is vaguely late medieval-ish, early Renaissance, with anachronisms and strangeness, but you could make slug-throwers or lasers common and still have room for the bizarre stuff that numenera can do.

Since Numenera is set post-several-apocalypses, flaky equipment fits. In a more conventional science fiction game technology would be reliable -- that's kind of the point of technology over magic -- but there's always that alien doodad or mad science experiment.

Statistics: Posted by fmitchell — Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:59 am

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July 5, 2016 at 08:16PM

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