Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Redeemer! – Attempt 2, Part 18

Redeemer! – Attempt 2, Part 18



Well, after the epic battle of my previous entry, I’m ready for whatever the book can throw at me.

I thought that killing the imposter would’ve been the end, but then Lackland decided to try a reverse deus ex machina and attempt to snatch my defeat from the jaws of victory!

That didn’t work out, so he won’t be joining us for the rest of his life

Back to the book description!

Lackland lies dead at my feet – no unholy resurrection for him!

Gwyneth et al have won their fight against the priests and ‘warriors’ of Nemesis, and it appears that the room has now been cleared of enemies!

Gwyneth fixes me with a ‘steely gaze’ and mentions (with a heavy subtext) that the army mobilization has been cancelled.  After I don’t react in the way she was apparently worried about, she acknowledges that I am the genuine Avenger.

Dore also makes an appearance, because of course he is going to charge in after the battle was already won.  Did I say that he was like Mandorallen? At least Mandorallen actually, you know, won a battle or two!

Essentially, Csaky, Glaivas and Csaky have all come through these skirmishes without serious injury, and my rulership of the city (or Overlordship, if you will) has been restored.  It is mentioned that then I may return to the ‘normal business of governing’.

This may or may not involve casinos, vice laws and multi-coloured fireworks displays.

Hang on.


Wait for it.


Turn to 420!!!

There is a gently lyrical final paragraph,  where I climb the battlements and observe the people of the city I rule.  I reflect upon the fact that the belt of illusion now allows me to walk among my citizens to know their hopes and fears.  Hopefully that isn’t a precursor to an illusion-lead secret police force.

I consider the friends with whom I share my victory, and the final words are :

“You are home”.


PS [I’m now a traitor to the Grandmaster’s creed – My home is my body, remember!!]


PPS – The end of the story doesn’t, after all, involve being trapped in the web of a giant spider!!!!   Yay!!


Definitely Final Stats : Endurance : 7, Punch Modifier : +2, Kick Modifier: +3, Throw Modifier : 0, Fate Modifier : +1, Inner Force : 0

Gamebook blogs

via The Way Of The Tiger Playthrough http://ift.tt/1Rp7BSZ

July 26, 2016 at 06:30AM

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