Friday, August 26, 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: [Regional Sorcery] Femphrey

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: [Regional Sorcery] Femphrey

Skyrock wrote:
You cannot take your Spell Book with you, as the sorcerers of Analand cannot risk its falling into the wrong hands of Kakhabad"
- Sorcery! Introduction, "Equipment and Provisions"

"Each country's sorcery is one of its most closely guarded secrets."
- Sorcery! 3: The Seven Serpents, entry #8

One idea I always liked is the notion that all the nations of the Old World have their own kind of sorcery they keep secret from outsiders - a sorcery that reflects the needs, culture and history of the country.

This would be the following:
- Brice
- Femphrey
- Gallantaria
- Lendleland
- Mauristatia
- Ruddlestone

(I will skip Analand as it is already covered by the main rules. Kakhabad will be skipped as it isn't really an unified nation.)

What this will be for now is just a brainstorming to get a basic grip on the concept of the individual sorceries, one thread at a time. Once all of the Old World is covered by a concept, I'll see what concrete stuff can be come up with.

Don't sweat overlap in spells, especially very basic ones. Ideas like the wheel or picking up a stick to whack someone have developed simultanously all around the world. Likewise, zapping someone with a lightning bolt is a very basic idea that is likely to be similarly popular.

After no one had laughed at the last installment, I will move on to...


The country
If there is any land in Titan that is a rising star, it is Femphrey. After centuries of poverty, the enlightened rule of the Crown of Kings has allowed them to grow to become the most prospering nation of the old world.

Another outstanding feature is its wish to live in peace and cooperation with their neighbours. Rather than to abuse the Crown to subdue everyone else, they have preferred to pass the crown around, creating a wide-spread alliance in the process.

Further of note is the importance of seafaring in Femphrey.

The first real-world analogue that springs to my mind are the Netherlands. They began as a poor border province, which later grew into a rich "republic of shopkeepers" by trade, commerce and seafaring. Likewise, apart of their war for indepence the Dutch were averse to warfare and preferred other means to settle conflicts.

The spells of Femphrey
Titan speaks straight of "naval sorcerers" in regards of Femphrey, and so do I.

Much of the sorcery will have a strong naval bend, either to enhance seafaring (weather control) or by being of most use at sea and under open sky. (For instance, rather than summoning Giants with Giant molars, sorcerers of Femphrey might rather conjure sea trolls.) Speaking of tooth-based summoning, guess what is summoned by the Femphreyan version of GOB...

Strange nautical phenomenons as St. Elmo's fires might also play a role as result of Femphreyan sorcery.

The recent development as politically leading country is too young to have had much influence on most of Femphrey's sorcery. Still, there might be a few new (and underdeveloped) spells dealing with construction and mind-control to aid Femphrey as it builds its new powerbases and establishes itself as a power player.

The components of Femphrey
The strongest cultural influence on Femphrey is seafare. Thus, a lot of the components of Femphreyan sorceries might be influenced by nautical superstitions... Or rather, are nautical superstitions everywhere else in Titan the result of warped tales of Femphreyan sorcery?

Just to name a few:
- Figureheads of naked females are said to be a lucky charm for a ship
- Tattoos ward off evil spirits
- The sparkling of jewelry piercings distracts sea monsters
- Whistling onboard of a ship is said to create storms. Hence, "whistling up a storm".
- A ship's bell that rings without aid is an omen of death
- Throwing stones into the sea creates big waves and storms

Two unique features of Femphrey are Decapi and the crystals of Crystal Lake, making them another good candidate for components unique to Femphreyan sorcery.

Maybe they had navel sorcery but it was stolen and released to the public like analands.

Statistics: Posted by Lorian — Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:34 am

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August 26, 2016 at 04:30AM

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