Friday, December 9, 2016

Emily Short: Congresswolf (Ellen Cooper, Choice of Games)

Emily Short: Congresswolf (Ellen Cooper, Choice of Games)

congresswolfCongresswolf is a Choice of Games story that debuted just before election. You play the campaign manager for a congressman or woman and make the sorts of choices one makes on political campaigns: go for grassroots donations or woo high-value donors? Allow yourself to be bribed, or keep your nose clean? Say what people want to hear, or try for some idealism? The complication: werewolves exist and are a marginalized class of people in both social aspects and under the law. The campaign manager before you was killed by a werewolf, and the killer is still at large. And there are reasons to think your candidate might be secretly lycanthropic themselves.

The game does a different take on some of CoG’s standard self-definition approaches. You can name yourself or pick a genderless name from a list; one of your main romantic interests also has a name that could be male or female, and the story rigorously avoids using any pronouns for that person. So instead of explicitly defining sexualities, Congresswolf takes a Jigsaw-style approach and lets you imagine what you like here.

The campaign structure is a natural fit for a Choice of Games piece: there are several different goals you could reasonably have when running a campaign, especially a campaign overshadowed by a murder investigation. There’s enough predictability to let the player attempt a strategy, but enough variation not to get boring. Your campaign includes some cyclical, predictable tasks like setting a budget for the next month and picking ad strategies, together with increasingly high stakes events, such as meetings with the press and debates with the other candidate.

I also thought it worked pretty well thematically. The very flexible nature of a Choice of Games protagonist sometimes makes it difficult for CoG works to focus on really personal problems or relationships. Here, though, we have a narrative that’s mostly about the protagonist’s management abilities and devotion to various causes; assorted side characters come and go, but they’re often instrumental to the protagonist’s cause.

Just occasionally I did run into some issues where the text didn’t quite flow together perfectly: if you intentionally spike a bill in Congress that would make things better for werewolves while you yourself might be infected, for instance, the text describes you as both personally pleased and personally disappointed. And a few times the descriptions framed things as though I must be worried about my relationship with a werewolf activist named Thomas, even though in that playthrough I’d done everything possible to avoid him and blow him off.

For the most part, though, it’s a tight piece of ChoiceScript-style design: well-paced, with clear agency and consequence, and with enough varied outcomes to be genuinely different on a replay.

Disclosure: I played a copy of this game that I bought with my own money. I do have a contract for a work in progress with Choice of Games, but do not gain financially from sales of Congresswolf and had no involvement in its writing or editing.

Gamebook blogs
via Planet Interactive Fiction

December 9, 2016 at 12:08PM

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