Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A Week's Work

A Week's Work

Well, frittering, really.  Maybe 11 or 12 hours.  Time spent resting after work before getting down to things more serious.

Compare this to the map I posted last week.  Worked the coastlines down to central Lancashire, plotted the cities for this corner of Great Britain and filled in the coast lines (so it begins to look right).  I still have the rivers and borders to draw in and then there's the business of making sure that the map is layered properly (the labels on top and all properly showing, the rivers on top of the borders and both not bleeding into the seas, all that).

The land is proving especially daunting, with all the tiny islands and indents, not to mention squeezing so many burgs into such a small space.  I'm glad I didn't start with mapping Britain.  I needed practice to do this one.

Gamebook blogs
via The Tao of D&D

October 6, 2016 at 12:29AM

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