Thursday, October 13, 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: gremlins?

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: gremlins?

SkinnyOrc wrote:
Fair enough. You can get +5 on AS from outnumbering if there's at least 6 per character so unleash the gremlin horde! I count missile attacks in the outnumber count although the rulebook leaves that one open to interpretation.

i'd not thought about missile attacks in that capacity, makes some sense though.
i won't be using horde style assaults in my game, more hit and run survivalist, I was just looking at OoTP to find an enemy I haven't used for a small dungeon section :)

Statistics: Posted by Eddie — Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:27 pm

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October 13, 2016 at 12:52PM

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