Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: How did you get into Fighting Fantasy?

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: How did you get into Fighting Fantasy?

I heard about this new book that was coming out called The Warlock of Fire top MTN in a Sunday supplement I think it was. It intreagued me as I had just played my 1st AD&D 1st ed game and liked the idea and bought it on release it's a 1st ed and I got it signed by Ian about 4 or 5 year's ago then collected them as they were released all my early books are the original non green spine one.

I collected them religiously up to Trial of champions then stopped for some reason can't remember why. Then picked one up occasionally if I saw it in a 2nd hand book shop before stopping collecting Again.

A few years back I got the urge to start again and completed my collection by getting originals and the new books including blood of the Zombies

Statistics: Posted by Robb 1 — Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:07 pm

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October 5, 2016 at 04:28PM

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