Friday, October 7, 2016

Doug's World: Fair (review)

Doug's World: Fair (review)

"Fair" is a parser game written by Hanon Ondricek for the 2016 interactive fiction competition. I loved the following prose, which I read on my first or second move of the game. This excerpt sets up the backstory and helps to characterize the PC very early.

>x posterboard
Someone took a great deal of time and craft supplies to make a sign of glittery paste-on letters.  It reads Welcome to the 2016 Elementary Science Fair!  Clip art of heavenly bodies festoons the borders, held in place by the sheer gravitational force of a child's adhesive glue stick.
The bottom half of the sign reads "Guest Judge: Science Author A.B. Astherton!" next to the black and white picture of you from the book jacket blown up to an uncomfortably blurry scale.  You are resisting the urge to add the word fiction after the word science with your handy signature-signing sharpie.

"sheer gravitational force of a child's adhesive glue stick". There is something almost comically poetic about that choice of phrase.

This review will have a number of spoilers, so I'm jump breaking it.

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Gamebook blogs
via Planet Interactive Fiction

October 7, 2016 at 03:24PM

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