Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fire on the Water – Attempt 1, Part 16

Fire on the Water – Attempt 1, Part 16

In an awesome Batman-esque moment, two zombies try to stop me as I approach the tower, but I brush them aside with a single sweep of the Sommerswerd.

Sort of like 0:40 of this clip.

A the top of the tower, I catch sight of a hunchbacked man in crimson robes with a magician’s head-dress bearing the symbol of a serpent.

I remember my conversation with Banedon the wizard from near the start of Book 1, and i realise (from the knowledge of that encounter together with my Sixth Sense skill) that :

  • This is Vonotar the Traitor, second cousin of Judas Iscariot, who has betrayed the Magicians’ Guild of Toran in Sommerlund and joined the Darklords.

Aside : Have you noticed that pretty much every time Judas’ name is mentioned in the Gospels, especially in a list of Apostles, it is with the added epithet ‘the traitor’ or something similiar?  Sounds like some of those biographers still hadn’t accepted that whole ‘Christian forgiveness’ thing.


  • It was Vonotar’s agents that bedevilled (love that word) me on my trip across the continent (the serpent symbol being relevant here).
  • He commands the fleet of death-hulks, and any defeat of him may well stop the magic keeping this nightmare of zombie ships afloat.

Remembering the magic-nullifying juju of my new sword, I climb the tower, prepared to do battle.

Vonotar is waiting for me, and as I vault over the edge of the tower’s wall, he sends a bolt of orange flame from his hand straight AT MY FACE.

Project Aon link – Vonotar casting spell

Did someone say ‘magic-resisting magic sword’?  Well, if they didn’t they should have, because the Sommerswerd sucks that flame right out of my hair (so to speak) and Vonotar is bumsquizzled.

Aside : Didn’t he have some idea of this sword’s powers?  Surely a learned wizard such as this would be across such lore.  Oh well.


Unfortunately, he throws the wizarding equivalent of a smoke bomb / tear gas grenade at my feet and makes his escape as I am blinded.  When the smoke clears, I can see him rowing away frantically in a small boat.

Aside : If I was playing this book for the first time, I’d chase after him in a heartbeat. However, since I know Vonotar is ‘guaranteed’ to survive to plague me another day, I elect to return to fight my way back to friendlier territory.

However, before I can jump off this ship, I have to defeat two Drakkarim who make themselves inconvenient.

Drakkar 1 : Combat Skill 17, Endurance 25

Drakkar 1 : Combat Skill 16, Endurance 26

Lone Wolf : Combat Skill : 27, Endurance 20

I take them both out for the loss of merely 1 (!!) Endurance point, and leap to the deck of a nearby Durenese warship.  Lord Axim, who I had given up for dead, is glad to see me, and the fleet is rallying, as the zombie death hulks are now all sinking beneath the waves.  Admiral Calfen is now, tragically, playing cards beneath the waves.

Sending Vonotar off with his tail between his legs must have helped with whole ‘enemy ships sinking’ thing.

While seventy ships departed Port Bax, only fifty now sail to Holmgard to relieve the defenders.


At dusk on the thirty-seventh day since my departure from Holmgard, the fleet enters the harbour, and word can visibly spread among both sides of our dramatic entrance.

The harbour has not been blockaded by the enemy (as they are primary a land-based force) and we are able to sail right up to the watchtower and enter the city.  In the enemy camp, I see the red tent of the commander of the enemy, Darklord Zagarna.  In a beautifully melodramatic moment, I raise the Sommerswerd high as it catches the sun’s rays.  The power of the sun flows through the sword, and then causes a burst of energy to vaporise Zagarna’s tent without so much as a warning shot.

Project Aon link – Destruction of Zagarna

Take that, final boss!

The enemy army becomes filled with panic (just like all real-life armies immediately after the death of a commander…I think) and flees the scene, demoralised.


There is no massive sequel hook, altough I’m sure that Vonotar guy isn’t going to just retire to Florida any time soon.


Final Stats : CS : 17, E : 20, GC 0

Weapons : Sommerswerd (+8 CS), Mace

Backpack : Meal (x5), Healing Potion (+3 E), Laumspur Portion (+5 E)

Special Items : Map, Crystal Star, Shield (+2 to CS), Sommeerswerd

Final paragraph :350

Gamebook blogs

October 9, 2016 at 01:01AM

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