Saturday, July 16, 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Spells of Titan

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Spells of Titan

SkinnyOrc wrote:
Seeing as there's already a Death spell the Death ritual above could do with a new name. Ritual of Wasting perhaps? Or how about Ritual of the Dark Soul?! :)

I'm sure I'm not the first to notice there's no equivalent to the Sorcery HOT spell in the Wizardry lists. Fireballs are a bit of a RPG staple but there's no reason fire based area affect spells have to take that form. Perhaps Wizards based theirs on what they'd seen, the flaming breath of a dragon! The effects aren't identical to a dragon's fiery breath as described in Out of the Pit but then it's not actual dragon fire, just inspired by it.

Dragon Fire (4)
This potent spell creates a cone shaped blast of intense flame from the casters hands, 3m long and 2m wide at it's furtherest point. Anyone caught within the area of effect will take 1d6+1 points of STAMINA damage. Those affected may either test for LUCK or instead attempt a Dodge test to take half damage (round down). Especially flammable targets will find themselves ignited by this spell, as will flammable objects.

Hey Skinny Orc! Good to read you again!

I decided to leave the death spell named as is because that's the way it's named in both "Titan" and "Caverns of the Snow Witch". When I wrote the spell up I already knew about the Death Spell in the main book, but I also rationed that there could be 2 death spells and both of them called death spells. 2 wizards both made spells and called them death spells but didn't know of each other. Or they made them in different time periods.
There is one thing I don't like about most fantasy game worlds, and this influenced my choice to leave the spell name as well... I don't like that game worlds are perfectly organized. For some reason there is only 1 spell list that is universally shared by all wizards on the entire planet. Take D&D for instance. Somehow every wizard on the planet can either learn, or cast a bigbies clenching fist. That's a pretty unique spell effect, yet some how everyone knows about it? Why can't some spells just be isolatd to one place in the world. Certain spells seem to be universal in many cultures ie, throwing thunder or lightning but not all. Why can't a spell be named the same but be a different spell as well? I like the messiness and the diversity of it. That can distinguish one land from another. "Black Vein Prophecy" is one of my favorite books for that reason. It's protagonist uses spells unlike from any other book.

Anyways, that's my long response to it. :)

There should be a wizard equivalent of a fireball. "Titan" mentions Nicodemus using well placed fireballs while protecting a village. I don't know if they are the a large area effect spell, or if it's a renamed version of a firebolt spell. A fireball doesn't have to be area effect, it could be personal sized. I guess.

Statistics: Posted by darksoul — Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:44 am

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July 16, 2016 at 08:54PM

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