Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Stellar Adventures Kickstarter

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Stellar Adventures Kickstarter


Hullalla wrote:
I guess that distance damage mechanics can make a huge difference
Well, ultra-thin body armour or personal energy shields making guns less effective give a reason for melee weapons making a come back. It also explains why characters can take hits even with hi-tech weapons. Maybe needing to justify that is realism over fun again but it's an option for GMs who like it. On the other hand it could just be like the Stormtroopers in Star Wars that don't seem to be able to shoot anything more than a few metres away :) Bad helmet design?

fmitchell wrote:
if you don't have the most powerful weapons and the heaviest armor you're toast.
The sci-fi equivalent of constantly replacing your magical sword with a new one with more pluses! Expect they'll follow AFF there and have a range of normal equipment all within a narrow band of effectiveness and then special items, "alien tech" and experimental stuff maybe, that are beyond that but either very rare or limited in some way. As long as the permanent special items are rare and useful throughout the characters career you avoid that upgrade treadmill. As you say it keeps the focus on story and off collecting stuff.

fmitchell wrote:
systems where each player character mans a battle station: captain, pilot, weapons, damage control
Spaceship skills like that were a lot of fun in a game I played way back. It makes spaceship battles roleplaying rather than wargaming, although that can be good too for large scale. if they can't fit that stuff in maybe we'll see something like the Heroes Companion with it later.

Statistics: Posted by SkinnyOrc — Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:45 am

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July 5, 2016 at 05:01AM

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