Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Minor Characteristics

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2 • Re: Minor Characteristics


i like the idea but at the same time prefer the system as it is.
before finding out there was a re-release of this game I was working on my own version that I was going to play with my group (hadn't started on magic system at all).

the way I was going to do it was to, essentially, have differing "skill" totals for differing things:
combat: this is your base combat ability and weapon skills add to this
intellect: similar but for knowledge skills like lore etc.
agility: for the stealth skills and some of the movement skills like dodge and acrobatics
athletics: for the non-combat physical skills like climbing, jumping, swimming etc.

they would all have a baseline which you would then add your special skills points to.

the advantage of adding this is you could have a combat character who isn't particularly athletic because he/she is simply trained really well with a sword (so combat might be 7 at the start then +2 for WSS) but their athletics is lower so they won't be great at jumping, climbing or swimming.
this makes sense as a town guard or soldier: neither have to climb walls that often or swim, but use a weapon? sure!

all of the lore skills fall under the intellect stat, again enabling someone to be knowledgeable but not great in combat if they are a sage.

(I like the use of magic instead of skill for lore skills in AFF2)

however the issue you have is that now you have 4 Skill totals to keep an eye on, what do they all start on, how many points do you get to spend?
if you give too many then suddenly anyone not interested in, say sneakiness, will be able to use those points to boost another area and get really good at another area.
having read the thread on people becoming powerhouses in combat relatively easily I think this would create more problems than it solves.

it would allow for greater differentiation within a group, at present if I have 4 players and one goes all out priest (magic max say), one all out wizard (again max magic), one goes for a dabbler and splits their stats more evenly (say ending skill 5) but the last maxes out Skill to make it 7 they will be the best at most checks they have to take. a Skill 7 character will pass untrained skill checks on average whereas the Skill 4 guys will rarely pass them (except lore rolls) and the "dabbler" character will likely feel the most useless of all: their best skills will only pass checks on average and their 1 point skills will have to be lucky to pass at all (6 or less on 2D6 is around 44% of the time I think)

Statistics: Posted by Eddie — Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:19 pm

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October 11, 2016 at 03:49PM

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