Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Doug's World: Yes, my mother is... (review)

Doug's World: Yes, my mother is... (review)


"Yes, my mother is..." is a CYOA type game written by Skarn for the 2016 interactive fiction competition.

The PC is a therapist, who dispenses advice to a series of clients at her office. This near future fiction imagines a world in which the PC's mother has established an autonomous colony for some group of people who wear colorful masks and identify as "N/A". Yes, another Twine entry about identity labels.

There is a lot of text to wade through while collecting infrequent clues about the N/A movement. The reader probably won't feel satisfied that they understand the backstory until they have played to more than one ending. During my second game I found myself skimming down the text as fast as I could, trying to find the “big reveal”. But even then, I wasn't satisfied that I really understood what was going on.

Some of the therapy options are a little non-conventional, but best of these is the opportunity to cold-cock a visiting skinhead and send him out of the therapy office in a bag.

Gamebook blogs

via Planet Interactive Fiction http://planet-if.com/

October 11, 2016 at 08:09PM

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