Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Caverns of Kalte – Background

The Caverns of Kalte – Background

A new adventure beckons!

But before any of that, we get a brief recap of my triumph against the Darklords, including notes of the attempts by Vonotar to obstruct my mission at every turn.

In a development sadly lacking from other books, the King of Sommerlund acknowledges and rewards my feats.  Having said that, he does this by granting me the title of ‘Fryearl’ (!?) of Sommerlund, which apparently involves the area around the Kai Monastery now falling under my protection.

Sounds more like a chore than a reward, but there you go.  Feudal economics for the win!

Then juuuusst as I was beginning to actually get some practical work done (commencing the rebuild of the ruined monastery for starters) messengers appear summoning me once more to the capital.

This appears to be the start of a disturbing trend.  Should I simply set up shop in the King’s guest room, so as to be ready for his summons?

Aside : This is a bit similiar to the ‘Bat-phone’ in the 1966 Batman series.  At the start of the series, Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara would at least make a token attempt at solving a crime before bringing Batman in to help.  After a while, they’d be “Bank robbery?  Get Batman, I’ll be having lunch at my club.”

In any event, the far north arctic area of Kalte is inhabited mainly by ‘Ice Barbarians’ with their ruler taking the ceremonial title of Brumulmarc.  The current Brumulmarc (a tongue-twisting title if ever there was one) has been cast down and, you know, killed.

The culprit?

[Deep scary baritone].


Apparently he tricked the previous ruler into taking him on board (presumably on a sweet commission deal) as in-house magician and counsel.  Then he imitated Michael Corleone by way of a midnight coup, although probably with less operatic music.

The population of Sommerlund, fresh out of gratitude for being saved from a Darklord invasion, are now demanding that the renegade traitor be immediately brought to justice.  And the King thinks that the only possible way of doing this is, rather than an appeal to the UN, to send the last remaining Kai on the quest.

Aside : Is this really smart?  I mean, the Sommerswerd was one thing, since a Kai was the only one who could wield it, but wouldn’t it behoove the King to try something else before potentially wasting such an irreplaceable and valuable resource?


I get to select another Kai Discipline.  The four remaining to choose from are Mindblast, Mindshield, Camouflage and Weaponskill.

Weaponskill and Mindblast probably aren’t on the table for the moment, due to the massive Combat Skill boost from the Sommerswerd.  Mindshield might be helpful, and will probably be the next choice.  Camouflage it is!

Extra equipment!

I get 14 Gold Crowns, to partially make up for the APPALLING theft by the Noodnics (last time I trust a rat!).

I receive a Map of Kalte, which I’m sure will come in handy :

Project Aon link – Map of Kalte

I also get to pick two further items.

Aside : I know I’ve mentioned this before, but this ALWAYS takes me ‘out’ of the book, because, although necessary for game balance, there is not even a token justification given for why, on a mission vital for your nation’s safety, you can’t take as many useful items as you can carry.  Especially things such as food, which can hardly be in short supply.

Having vented, I take a padded leather waistcoat (+2 Endurance) and a Potion of Laumspur, which adds 4 Endurance if swallowed after combat.

Aaaannnnd we’re off!



Base Stats : CS : 17, E : 20, GC 14

Modified Stats : CS : 27, E : 22

Weapons : Sommerswerd (+8 CS), Mace

Backpack : Meal (x5), Healing Potion (+3 E), Laumspur Portion (+5 E), Laumspur Potion (+4E)

Special Items : Map, Crystal Star, Shield (+2 to CS), Sommerswerd, Padded Waistcoat (+2 E)

Kai Rank : Guardian

Kai Disciplines : Camouflage, Animal Kinship, Tracking, Hunting, Sixth Sense, Healing, Mind Over Matter

Gamebook blogs

October 12, 2016 at 06:20PM

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